Abstract Submission

An extended abstract with references should be in English in MS Word or LaTeX format and should be sent to the following e-mail address:


A limited number of oral contributions and poster presentations will be accepted. Accepted abstracts will be published in the ISBN conference book of abstracts that will be available at the conference website.

Extended abstract submission deadline is 20 September 2019.


An extended abstract should contain references, comparisons with the results from the field obtained thus far, and other important details. Every submission should contain the headline, list of authors which includes personal data, and the list of five keywords.

An abstract should precisely address the problem which it handles, the problem approach, and the conclusion for the research paper.

For the references section, use the alphabetically enumerated list.

For the quotations use the reference numbers in the square brackets [2]. Look at the document form as the quotation example.

Instruction for authors .doc

Instruction for authors .tex